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October's Ideas and Suggestions

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#1 meljer


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Posted 02 October 2023 - 12:20 AM






It is that time of year!!  When our SideKicks can be who they want to be and scare us.  Well while they chose their costumes, we will sit back and wait for some good suggestions for October!!





Bones would like me to remind you all suggestions matter, so please feel free to let us know what you are looking for in the game..is it scary good?




Mr. Jolt wants me to have you write what the suggestions include


what is your suggestion

how will it work

why do we need it




Zepplin wants me to remind you all suggestions are good, no one person's idea is wrong or stupid, this is a judgement free suggestion post






squishy wants me to tell you that on behalf of all our staff we wish you a happy and scary Halloween this year

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